Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Accepting submissions for a South African Anthology on Migrant Poetry. The publication by Poets Printery is scheduled for February 2013. South Africa has been host to people from countries of Africa and beyond. This anthology will provide the best of migrant poetry and a rare insight into the problems of migrant population and the host country.

Naomi Nkealah and I are planning to edit a collection of poetry on the migrant experience in South Africa. We would be glad to receive your submissions. Kindly forward this invitation to other people in your networks who are lovers of poetry or who know someone who is. The deadline for submissions is 5 December. We look forward to your positive feedback.

Who are eligible – Migrant Poets from other countries living in South Africa
Language – English, Can write in the language of the country but a translation in English has to be provided
• Internal Migration
• Political Asylum
• Refugee status and border jumping
• Humanitarian Crisis and Complex Humanitarian Emergency
• Xenophobia
• Host country acceptance
• Economic denting to the host country
• Role of UNHCR – The United Nations Refugee Agency
• War and genocide
• Disease, physical and mental trauma and access to primary health care

We cannot guarantee every submission to be published
Please send three poems with a 50 word bio to
Amitabh Mitra at


  1. What about the poetry from South Africans abroad - some who were forced into exile and experiencing racism, discrimination and xenophobia in their new homes?
